
It matters

Settlement.Org / Etablissement.Org

Our flagship information and orientation websites provide high-quality and trustworthy information to newcomers in Ontario. We moved quickly to provide targeted information to Ukrainians arriving in Canada via the Canada-Ukraine Authorization for Emergency Travel (CUAET) pathway and to provide information for those supporting these new arrivals. The pages were launched in early March. They are among our most visited web pages. Our promotional partnerships produced a 30 per cent increase in events submitted and posted on the websites. Our partnerships with Community Legal Education Ontario and Findhelp/211 ensure our information is accurate and reliable.

“All of the OCASI sites have such good resources, so I am sure we will be featuring your resources again”

+3,995,000 +48 1,044 182
users new articles events posted updated articles

Discussion Forum

552 8220 1822
new users active users inquiries fulfilled /

These websites are a trusted resource for newcomer youth in Ontario and provide reliable information in an accessible format in English and French. This year we deepened our commitment to building content that destigmatizes topics that may be seen as traditionally or culturally sensitive. These are topics on which users need clarification but may be hesitant to seek out because of stigma. We paid attention to tone as well as content to provide accessible and unbiased information and resources. Content renewal continues to be informed by feedback from the Youth Advisory Group.

35 49 117,000+
new articles updated articles users /

Originally launched five years ago to support the resettlement of Syrian refugees, the websites were redesigned this year to support refugees, private sponsors, and service providers. We reviewed and updated content, and made them more accessible and user-friendly. The changes produced a 116 per cent increase of web traffic on and 135 per cent increase on

38 49 111 22,130+
new articles updated articles events posted users is the premier online resource providing free, self-directed and facilitated sector-relevant online courses for immigrant and refugee service workers. We updated the site to provide a more inclusive and accessible – AODA compatible - learning environment. A new tech support video has compiled answers to basic user questions. We are now able to track users by location and agencies, which will help us to ensure our content is relevant and useful.

“You did great!! I have had excellent experiences with Learn at work IT - so thanks!”

2,296 39 25,300+
new user accounts courses offered site visits
81.78% 99.87%
accessibility diagnostic overall compliance achieved

OCASI Client Management System

OCMS is the sector’s very own client records and reports system. This year we added a module that allows OCMS clients to track volunteers. We updated the system with changes implemented by the federal funder of settlement services. OCMS is bilingual now.

The COVID pandemic had no impact on the OCMS because it is a cloud-based system. All OCMS clients were able to continue to operate as before without any disruption. They were able to provide services remotely and report about those services through the OCMS. In fact, we experienced an increase in clients during this time.

57 1,390 1,200 2,800+ 84
webinars webinar participants tickets resolved active users agencies across Canada using OCMS